If your hoverboard is making a beeping sound, it’s likely not broken: Those beeps are the hoverboard’s voice, and it’s just trying to tell you something.
There are three reasons a hoverboard will start beeping. With just a little troubleshooting, you can figure out which one it is and then make a few adjustments to make it stop.
Beeping as a safety warning
As a safety indicator and a warning to slow down, Jetson hoverboards will beep when they have reached their maximum riding speed. If it’s one of our models with adjustable speeds, and you’d like to pick up the pace, change the setting from “beginner mode” (the slowest) to “intermediate mode” or “advanced mode” (the fastest).
They also beep when your footpads are tilted too far forwards. Footpad should remain close to horizontal, with just a slight change in pressure from your feet to control movement—not an entire lean.
Beeping because the motor is being strained
Similarly. Jetson hoverboards beep when they are being pushed beyond their intended performance capacity and the motor is at risk of being overworked. This may happen when:
- You are riding on a steep incline.
- You're traversing rough or high-resistance terrain such as carpet, grass, or gravel.
- If the carrying weight is beyond the hoverboard's recommended limit.
Move to a smooth, flat, surface, and shed any heavy backpacks or other items that might be pushing the carrying weight beyond its limit.
Beeping because the battery is low
Your hoverboard will beep, too, tell you when the battery is low on juice. You’ll know if this is the case by also checking out the battery indicator light(s) on top of the board.
- Some of our models have a single battery indicator light. When the charge is at less than 20%, it will flash red.
- Other models have three battery indicator lights. You’ll know if the charge is less than 20% if just one of them is illuminated or flashing.
- Jetson hoverboards with a built-in Bluetooth speaker may also announce “low battery.”
If you have determined that a low battery is the cause of the beeping, it’s time to plug your hoverboard in for a good charging session.
Beeping because the balance is off
Beeping can be your hoverboard’s way of telling you that it needs to be recalibrated—basically, that its balance mechanism is off-kilter and needs to be reset. Here are the steps to take to bring your hoverboard back into balance.
- Turn the hoverboard off and place it on a flat and level surface.
- Make sure you’re not leaning on the hoverboard or putting any weight on it.
- Hold the power button down for three to five seconds. (If you’ve got the Jetson Sphere Hoverboard, you’ll have to hold it for 15 seconds.)
- Release the power button when your hoverboard shows a sign that it’s done. Depending on the model, you’ll either see the flashing of the product’s indicator lights, hear a beeping sound, or hear the words “recalibration complete.”
- Power off your hoverboard and turn it back on.
- If all internal components have not been reset and you still hear repeated beeping, go through this process again. It can take up to three recalibration attempts to get everything back in proper alignment.
Beeping because wheel movement is blocked
If there is something stuck in the wheel mechanism or blocking the wheel from movement, your hoverboard will beep to let you know. Power off the hoverboard and check for any debris, and always ride away from steps, curbs, and ledges.
Beeping because the hoverboard is not on solid ground
If the hoverboard is powered on and you lift it off of the ground, it may start beeping or spinning its wheels. Power off the hoverboard or put it back down on a level surface.